16 August 2015

Look: Casaco branco e pérolas - Outfit of the day: White coat and pearls

Olá meninas, o look de hoje é da semana passada, aqui na Austrália continua bem frio e eu acho difícil compor looks legais com esse clima. 
Minha sogra (que eu amo <3 ) me deu de presente esse casaco e eu fiquei apaixonada, queria usar logo. Então eu decidi combiná-lo com essa saia floral e ficou superlegal porque a saia tem tons da mesma cor do casaco, dei um toque a mais com essa tiara e esse colar, ambos de pérolas, eu amei o resultado final, tive que usar meias calças como sempre porque sou muito friorenta e ainda não me acostumei com essas temperaturas baixas hahahahaha.

Hello girls, the outfit today is the last week, here in Australia is still very cold and I find it hard to compose cool looks with this weather.
My mother in law (who I love <3) gave this jacket to me  and I was in love, wanted to use soon. So I decided to combine it with this floral skirt and was super cool because the skirt has shades of the same color of the coat, I put this headband and this neclace, both in pearls, I loved the end result, I had to wear socks pants as always, because I feel so much cold and have not got used to such low temperatures hahahahaha.

Espero que tenham gostado!

Beijinhos :)

I hope you liked!

Kisses :)

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