16 August 2015

Look: Saia verde - Outfit of the day: Green skirt

Olá meninas, essa semana meu noivo e eu fomos para um lugar muito bacana era tipo uma mina, cheio de pedras preciosas de todos os jeitos, o mais legal era a loja de jóias que tem lá, nem preciso dizer que queria tudoooo hahahaha.
Mas vamos pro look, eu estava com vontade de usar algo mais colorido então essa saia foi a primeira a surgir na minha cabeça, ela tem esse verde lindo e usei com uma camisa branca justamente porque eu tinha esse colar verde com os mesmos tons da saia, não coloquei acessórios porque a minha intenção era ficar confortável. Usei a minha sandália preferida do momento, meias calças, e pronto, adorei.

Hello girls, this week my boyfriend and I went to a very nice place, was like a mine themed jewelry store and amusement centre, the jewelry store and display was full of precious stones in every way, the coolest was the jewelry store they have there, needless to say I wanted all jewelrys hahahaha.
But let's go to the outfit, I was in the mood to wear something more colorful, so this skirt was the first to emerge in my mind, it has this beautiful green and used with a white shirt just because I had this green necklace with the same tones of the skirt. I do not put accessories because my intention was to get comfortable. I used my favorite shoes, stocks, and Ready, I loved it.

Espero que tenham gostado!

I hope you guys liked!


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